I love vintage cameras. I become a hawk in vintage stores, looking up and down the isles for a great
vintage camera. I don't always find what I am after, and I definitely like to get away cheap with a
purchase like an old camera so I often leave empty handed. I love the classic look these box cameras
make on a shelf, next to a stack of vintage books.
Now, besides cameras, I also love art and DIY's so I thought I would combine the two and make this camera a bit more colorful. If you are a purest and can't imagine painting onto the surface of a vintage camera,look away now, and don't peak!!! I am NOT an expert in old cameras, this was just for fun.
I decided to take simple acrylic paint and apply it to the leatherette on the camera and it did it's job without much fuss! So, to begin. I didn't clean the camera except for removing some tarnish from the silver metal areas with just a q-tip and some rubbing alcohol. It worked, but only so much with how old the camera is. Now the fun part!
Gather your supplies and paint color of choice...
After you have painted a coat, let dry completely and apply second coat if needed. I didn't tape off the
edges, but I will next time just to make it a little easier to get a straight edge. Once your second coat is dry, you are done! I painted all sides of the camera, any place that had the old leatherette on it. I had fun with this project and I like the added pop of color!
You may want to consider painting on a non-spray finishing sealer if you like, to keep the paint from chipping off. I took the fast route and opted out of that, with three young children at home you learn to do things quickly!
love this!